Tuesday 5 July - Yasmin Levy


Yasmin Levy

Tuesday 5 July
Starting time: 21:30

An internationally renowned story-teller, singer-songwriter and vocalist Yasmin Levy should really need no introduction.  She comes back after years  for a unique at Moni Lazariston Festival, Tuesday, July 5.

The sensuality of her voice embraces the audience and make each listener feels that this great performer talks to everyone’s heart and describes something from his own personal experience.

Yasmin grew up in Jerusalem, which she describes as a true melting pot of peoples and cultures, listening to Turkish versions of Moroccan music, classical, chanson, jazz, Jewish and Muslim music, and church music. H Yasmin Levy is an erotic performer multicultural sounds that are loved around the world and our country. In Greece has collaborated with Eleni Vitali, Giannis Kotsiras, George Dalaras and Giannis Haroulis.

About Ladino: For those new to the music and its language and history, Ladino is the collective term for the Judeo-Spanish languages spoken by the Jews of Spain: these languages infuse the original ancient Spanish with other languages including Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Slavic languages, Portuguese, French, Italian and Hebrew. The geographical spread of communities in North Africa, Turkey, Greece and the Balkans, each with distinct dialects and religious customs, is reflected in the musical variety of Judeo-Spanish folk songs carried down to the present day.  UNESCO has recently recognised Ladino as one of the world’s endangered languages as they estimate there are fewer than 200,000 Ladino speakers world-wide.

H Yasmin Levy is an erotic performer multicultural sounds that are loved around the world and our country. In Greece has collaborated with Eleni Vitali, Giannis Kotsiras, George Dalaras and Giannis Haroulis.

Interview of Yasmin Levy.

Moni Lazariston
Kolokotroni 21, Stavroupoli
Starting time: 21:30
Tel.: 2310 589200

Tickets: 20 (numbered seats), 15 (general admission), 12 (student discount)

Presale: Via Internet:  Presale Viva points: Public, Seven Spots, Reload, Media Markt

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